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Flowers of the Altai Page Three - 2009

Russian Federation

Altai Antonymous Region

Flower Photos Three


June 29 to July 26th 2009

The trip organized by Biosphere-Expeditions had a primary aim to find evidence of the presence of the Snow Leopard in the region.

The following are the lists of plants with photos.

To view page four of the flowers seen click HERE







Page Three

Wild Flowers found during the visit.


It was difficult to identify the species as most of the  reference books are written in Russian.  With the aid of the internet, the recently published Endemic Plants of the Altai Mountain Country by Pyak et al. and the reports of previous Biosphere expeditions I have tried to put names to the following photos or to be more precise photos beside previously named plants.

I have used the Appendix 6 from the Biosphere Expedition Report for 2008 compiled by Christine Newell as a base and added some of my photos to the list.  I have done my best to identify the plants correctly but would be happy to be corrected by any experts in the field.

Appendix 6: Plant list 2003 – 2008 collated by expedition team member Christine Newell.


Euphorbia discolor Spurge

Euphorbia tshuiensis Chuya spurge

Other possible Euphorbia Sp


Astragalus alpinus       (Milk-vetch)

  could also be Oxytropis glabra

Astragalus austrosibiricus Milk-vetch

Astragalus dilutus           (Milk-vetch)


Astragalus frigidus Milk-vetch

Astragalus laguroides Milk-vetch

Astragalus mongholicus Milk-vetch

Astragalus multicaulis Milk-vetch

Astragalus puberulus Milk-vetch

Other possible Astragalus Sp


Caragana bungei

Caragana pygmaea


Cicer songoricum Chick pea

Hedysarum neglectum Onobrychis tanaitica Sainfoin

Oxytropis alpestris? Oxytrope

Oxytropis alpina Oxytrope

Oxytropis glabra Oxytrope

Oxytropis gebleri ? Oxytrope

Oxytropis ladyginii Oxytrope

Oxytropis macrosema Oxytrope

Oxytropis martjanovii Martyanov's Oxytrope

Oxytropis nivea Dwarf Snow-white Oxy.

Oxytropis physocarpa Whorled Bladder Oxy.

Oxytropis pumila Dwarf Bladder Oxy.

Oxytropis recognita Oxytrope

Oxytropis tragacanthoides Oxytrope

Oxytropis tschujae

Oxytropis trichohysa

Possible other Oxytropis Sp


Trifolium eximium Clover

Trifolium lupinaster Clover

*Vicia cracca Tufted vetch

Other possible vetches




Corydalis pauciflora     (Few-flowered Purple Cor.)


Corydalis inconspicua Corydalis

Corydalis stricta Corydalis


Gentiana algida    (Gentian)


Gentiana amarella Gentian

Gentiana azurea           (Gentian)

Gentiana barbata            (Gentian)

Gentiana decumbens          (Gentian)



Gentiana grandiflora            (Gentian)

Gentiana macrophylla           (Gentian)

Gentiana nutans                  (Gentian)

Gentiana uniflora                  (Gentian)



Lomatogonium carinthiacum

Lomatogonium rotatum

Swertia obtusa




Biebersteinia odora Sweet Biebersteinia

Geranium krylovii Crane's bill

Geranium pratense          (Meadow crane's bill)

Geranium pseudosibiricum Crane's bill

Other possible Geranium Sp



Ribes graveolens Currant


Triglochin palustre Marsh arrowgrass


Dracocephalum bungeanum Woolly Dragon's Head

Dracocephalum grandiflorum         (Dragon's Head)


Dracocephalum imberbe Dragon's Head

Dracocephalum nutans Dragon's Head

Dracocephalum origanoides Dragon's Head

Dracocephalum peregrinum Dragon's Head

Other possible Dracocephalum Sp


Lagopsis marrubiastrum Horehound

Leonurus glaucescens Motherwort

Nepeta sibirica Cat-mint

Panzerina canescens Grey False Motherwort

Thymus serpillum      (Thyme)


Ziziphora clinopodioides



Allium altaicum       (Onion)


Allium clathratum Onion

Allium rubens Onion

Allium schoenoprasum       (Chives)


Lilium martagon Martagon Lily

Lloydia serotina Snowdon Lily

Veratrum lobelianum False-helleborine